There's no such thing as perfect writing. Just like there's not such thing as perfect despair.

— Haruki Murakami

On the Musical Characteristics of The Impossible Trial, a Cantonese Musical

The Cantonese musical, The Impossible Trial, had its genesis as early as in 2014. After the preview performance in 2019 and subsequent artistic revisions, the long-awaited premiere took place took place in September 2022, marking a span of eight years since the commencement of the preparation work
Dr Eos Cheng | 30.11.2023 | theatre

「自由舞2023」: 繁花與餘香

callyyu | 13.7.2023 | dance


daisychu | 17.6.2023 | dance


wenyau | 13.6.2023 | dance


「自由舞2023」的宣傳文案介紹舞蹈節「聚焦世界各地優秀女編舞家」,固然是其特色,但是當代舞中的「身體」意涵複雜,不少創作者和觀眾會自覺地把「肉體身體」(somatic body)與文化身體(cultural body)分別處理;正如交叉性(intertextuality)理論框架的立論:生理性別不過是組成「文化個人」的眾多面向之一,重要的是察覺面向與面向的交織和重疊如何為個人帶來壓迫,或賦權
joannalee | 9.6.2023 | dance

第一屆「FIRST 創作平台」 展示六種新世代舞蹈創作可能

自2016年起開始推行的「國際創意交流計劃」(Creative Meeting Point),是西九文化區為本地獨立舞蹈藝術家所策劃的跨地域交流活動,旨在替一眾有潛質的舞蹈創作人,連結海外藝術家及機構,打開視野,刺激創意。適逢今年自由空間首辦「自由舞」,順理成章也建立了「FIRST創作平台」,邀請其中六位曾參與「國際創意交流計劃」的女舞蹈藝術家,於四月底及五月頭的兩個週日黃昏,分兩批在自由空間細盒內進行分享
williamchan | 6.6.2023 | dance

Wedding as Funeral: Mui Cheuk-yin’s Double Happiness

People say that there are two colours in life: red before mid-life, when one frequently receives wedding invitations from old classmates and good friends; and white after mid-life, as one begins to farewell peers or the older generation at funerals
nataliachan | 1.6.2023 | dance

感知體驗的選擇、想像與回應──Gisèle Vienne《群眾》

薄薄的一片塵土舖滿地下,一些垃圾零星分佈,城市後巷的既視感。舞者穿著運動風褸、牛仔衫褲、背心,在節奏快而強勁的電子音樂下,以慢動作影片似的姿態逐一出現;跳舞、喝酒、擁抱、狂歡,呈現的整個畫面既熟悉又陌生,在我眼中,這就是我經歷過 Rave party(銳舞派對)的模樣
Derek | 31.5.2023 | dance

The Reversal of Wedding Celebrations, the Autonomy of Those Who Sorrow: Mui Cheuk-yin – Double Happiness: The Promise of Red

I went great lengths to see Mui Cheuk-yin’s work, Double Happiness: The Promise of Red (“Double Happiness” as follows) as part of the “Freespace Dance 2023" programme, because I think every chance to see Mui’s performance nowadays is a rare one, especially it is the kind of solo dance that integrates with life experience
tangsiuwa | 2.5.2023 | dance

Doing What’s Right, Even When It’s Hard

One fateful day in early 2014, composer Leon Ko and lyricist Chris Shum had a lightbulb moment – what if they wrote a musical set in the Qing dynasty?
Liza Luk | 27.4.2023 | theatre