There's no such thing as perfect writing. Just like there's not such thing as perfect despair.

— Haruki Murakami

Running with Hong Kong's Nightscape as your Backdrop

If running is your thing, there is no better place than in the Art Park with the harbour and lights of Hong Kong as a backdrop
WestK | 2.12.2021 | art park

3 IG Spots You Absolutely Cannot Miss in West Kowloon

West Kowloon’s stand out architecture and location on Victoria Harbour makes it the perfect place to get some great instagrammable photos
WestK | 2.12.2021 | lifestyle

Why West Kowloon is Perfect for Pets

West Kowloon offers parking and a spacious drop-off area that will allow your four-legged friends to get on and off vehicles with ease
WestK | 2.12.2021 | art park